Sunday, July 31, 2011

Some Nice Recognition

Sometimes writing blog entries can feel somewhat like chopping trees in the forest. If you're not sure whether anyone heard you yell "timber!" did you really chop that tree down?

At least it looks like someone is reading. The Pay-to-Play Law Blog was recently given the #1 ranking by the Legal Studies Blog in its posting of the "Top 50 Excellent Blawgs You Aren’t Reading Yet". Let’s shoot for #1 "Blawg You Are Reading" in 2011! Tell your friends!

Read the full article and check out some other blawgs you may not know about yet.

I guess I can take solace in the fact that the blog's entries will stick around for a while even if it’s one "You Aren't Reading Yet". Yesterday I was advised that the United States Library of Congress has selected the Pay-to-Play Law Blog for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to Legal Blawgs. The Library of Congress described its mission to include "preserv[ation of] the Nation's cultural artifacts and provid[ing] enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and the American people to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including websites.”

According to staff at the Library, the archive project is a way of capturing current events for historical and research purposes. The Law Library of Congress began harvesting legal blawgs in 2007 and the collection has grown into more than one hundred items covering a broad cross section of legal topics. Blawgs can be retrieved by keywords or browsed by subject, name or title.

The Pay to Play Law Blog in the Law Library of Congress will be available to the public here in Spring 2012.

Straight from a "Blawg You Aren't Reading Yet" to an "artifact". That's a full day.

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