We brought Trenton to your attention here just a few days ago to highlight the potential pitfalls of “ban first, inquire later” pay-to-play enforcement. At the time, we observed that Trenton Mayor Tony Mack’s effort to rescind a pay-to-play ban was “procedurally murky”. The Trentonian apparently agreed and reported on the issue complete with a YouTube embed of Elvis singing “Suspicious Minds” as a musical accompaniment to its call that “[t]here is no reason for the City of Trenton to continue with another embarrassing decision made by a city council that lacks backbone.”
This call precipitated two immediate effects. First, it instilled great personal shame in myself for having failed to this point to accompany my entries with Elvis embeds. I resolve to remedy that.
Second, public pressure such as that brought to bear by The Trentonian has caused the law firm in question, Cooper Levenson, to terminate its contract with the city over the issue. A copy of the termination letter can be found here. Whether this result was warranted or appropriate, one should bear this little tune in mind before contributing in Trenton.
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